Visions Of The Past Read online

Page 6

  “I’m surprised a wild animal didn’t get to it before now. The hole is deep but that many bodies rotting in a hole should have brought out the scavengers.” Cade stated as he continued to watch her. Ellie moved around the crime scene tape to get different angles of the hole.

  “What if they haven’t been here for a long time? What if they got moved from somewhere else?” Ellie asked Cade. Cade shook his head.

  “I suppose that’s possible. The ME told me there was 20 women total and all of them were young women except one. Megan said she was in her 20’s. She is going to work on her first to try and get an identification.” Cade said moving beside her. A sense of jealousy hit Ellie like a wave and she couldn’t help the words that came out of her mouth next.

  “Megan huh?” Ellie said snidely. She felt Cade look at her.

  “Yeah, she’s the ME and she’s great.” Cade said innocently but Ellie narrowed her eyes at him. She had no right to be jealous. She didn’t live here and Cade was hot. He should be dating and seeing people. He must have known exactly what she was thinking. He nudged her.

  “I’m not seeing her.” He said smirking at her. Ellie scowled at him.

  “What do I care who you date? It isn’t any of my business.” Ellie said walking away from him towards Cade’s squad car. Cade moved up beside her.

  “You seem to really care since you are in a snit about me saying she’s great.” Cade said with a raised eyebrow and a grin. She rolled her eyes and walked faster.

  “I don’t care Cade. You have a life and you deserve to be with someone “Great”.” She said in air quotes. He caught up with her again and pushed her up against his squad car.

  “I’m not dating her Ellie.” He said firmly, rubbing his fingers lightly down her cheek. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. He smelled like after shave and outside. When she opened her eyes, he was looking at her with desire. Her breaths came in quick staccatos.

  “But you like her?” Ellie asked. It would probably make things easier if he did. Then she would back off and it would be that much easier when it was time for her to leave.

  “I do.” Cade said. “She’s funny, smart and beautiful.” He said watching her. Ellie felt her heart drop out of her chest. “But I don’t like her like that. She isn’t my type.” He said raising an eyebrow. Ellie swallowed hard. The radio in Cade’s car chirped and dispatch came on the line.

  “Sheriff, this is dispatch.” Cade held her for a few minutes more before he stepped back, moved around the car and picked up the mic to his radio.

  “This is The Sheriff go ahead dispatch.” Cade said not taking his eyes off of Ellie.

  “Sir, two agents from the FBI are here waiting in your office. Over.”

  “Roger that. ETA 20 min. In route now. Over.”


  Ellie listened to the exchange as she climbed into the car. Cade started the car then turned to her.

  “There is only one person that has haunted my dreams since I was 16 and it isn’t Dr. Megan Martin.” He said. He didn’t say anything else but turned and drove them away from the scene. Ellie was stunned. She had dreamed about him too, somehow feeling connected to him even though they were miles apart. She just didn’t know what she was supposed to do about it.

  Chapter 7

  Cade had watched Ellie fall to the ground gasping for air and he had momentarily been in shock. He had heard about her visions and even though he didn’t understand them, he certainly hadn’t thought of her as a freak. He had wanted to ask her questions but she had always kept her distance and he didn’t want her to feel awkward or think that he was making fun of her. But in the forest at the crime scene he realized he needed her help to bring her out of her vision.

  He couldn’t believe her reaction to him talking about Megan. She had been jealous even though she didn’t want to admit it. The thought of Ellie being with anyone else bothered him too but what right did he have to be angry or jealous about it.

  She followed him into the Sheriff’s department and he could see the looks on some of the deputies faces as they walked into the conference room. Two men in pristine black suits, black ties and white starched dress shirts stood at the front of the room looking important and out of sorts for having to wait for him. Their eyes went to Ellie who moved past him toward the two men. She stretched out her hand.

  “Hi, I’m Dr. Ridley.” She said professionally. The men smiled and looked her up and down. Cade felt a growl in his chest as he continued to watch the exchange.

  “Dr. Ridley, we were informed you would be joining us, we have heard about the work you do for the FBI. I think this will be an interesting case. I’m Agent Tim Hardy and this is Agent Sal Brody.” They stuck their hands out and shook her hand in turn. Hardy was a 6’4 blonde buzz cut jock with super white teeth and a fake tan. Brody was a skinny short bald Italian who had a slimy mustache and was eye balling Ellie like she was a nice juicy steak. Cade stepped in between the cozy little meeting and pulled Ellie over to a chair next to him. She looked at him oddly but took the seat. He moved to the front of the room and caught the eye of the two agents who narrowed their eyes at him and then crossed their arms.

  “Ok people so this is the first day of the beginning of this investigation. I know we have other cases and patrol but this case is a priority. Now, the FBI was kind enough to send two agents to give us a hand so let’s be nice and include them in anything that we find.” Cade stated. He watched his Chief Deputy walk in late and Cade’s mood began to sour. He continued.

  ‘This is Dr. Nora Ridley. She is a consultant for the FBI and a profiler. She will be working with us as well and has the same authority as I do.” Cade looked around the room and several of the deputies were eying her up. This pushed Cade’s mood even farther south. When he looked to Ellie, she was glaring at him but he didn’t care. He was trying to put people on notice that she was off limits. “No games. Are we clear?” Cade said with his hands on his hips. Heads nodded and then he turned to the board.

  “Anything we find goes on the board. I don’t want any mistakes. We will have daily meetings and updates. Now the first thing we have is that the ME stopped by last night to give me her preliminary report. More information will be coming in as she does her autopsies but 20 bodies total, mostly 14-18-year-old females with the exception of one. She is approximately 20 years old according to Dr. Martin.” Cade stated as he wrote the information on the board. Someone made a comment about wanting to get the nerdy ME to feel his bones and Cade finally snapped.

  “If I hear one more word or see one more look at any of the females that work for this department, I will send every last one of you to sexual harassment training and there will be a mark on your record.” Cades stated glaring at all of them. No one said a word. “Good now get the fuck out of here and go do your goddamn jobs.” He said with a scowl. He glanced at Ellie who looked at him like he had lost his mind. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he and Ellie were the only people in the room. Even the two Fed’s had stepped out.

  “Want to tell me what that was all about?” Asked Ellie. She watched him with a look of worry on her face. Cade took another deep breath.

  “I get tired of these guys acting like women should just fall at their feet.” Cade said not looking at her.

  “Are you sure that’s what that was about?” She asked him skeptically. He looked at her finally.

  “What else would it be about?” Cade asked. But he knew exactly what she meant. He was jealous and he didn’t like the looks the two agents or his deputies were sending her way.

  “You seemed angry with the agents; they were just being friendly.” Ellie said quietly. Cade started pushing in chairs and picking up people’s paper coffee cups.

  “I think they were being more than friendly. For someone who reads people, you sure missed that one.” Cade said angrily. He knew that had been the wrong thing to say. Ellie stood quickly.

  “Don’t use my visions as an e
xcuse to be an asshole. You were rude to them and over bearing and jealous.” Ellie said moving towards the door.

  “So, it’s ok for you to be jealous of Megan, who you have never even met, but I can’t be a little protective over the looks those two were sending you and they weren’t looking at your face.” Cade said with a little more emotion then he had intended. Ellie’s face softened.

  “Cade, I’m used to working with men and I certainly have had my share of inappropriate comments made behind my back and to my face. I have learned to just ignore it and do my job.” She said standing and moving towards him. “I appreciate the gesture and you are right; I have no right to be jealous. It wasn’t fair of me to judge you or Dr. Martin that way and I’m sorry.” Ellie said sweetly. What was he supposed to say to that? He was still angry that the agents had blatantly ogled her and here she was apologizing for being a little jealous. He took in a deep breath.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that about your visions.” He said. She nodded and walked out the door. “Ellie.” He called after her. She turned around and smiled at him sadly.

  “Yes Sheriff?” She said in a professional tone. She was closing herself off.

  “Can we talk about this more later?” He asked hopefully. She shook her head.

  “I don’t think that is a good idea.” She watched him for a few more minutes and then walked towards the agents who were waiting for her at their temporary assigned desks. Damn it. His anger and jealousy had pushed her away. He watched her smile at the agents and his anger boiled back up into his stomach. He needed to get his head on straight and start thinking about the case or nothing was going to get solved. But that didn’t mean he was going to stop trying with Ellie. There was something about her and he just couldn’t let it go.


  Ellie had watched Cade go from jealous to angry in a matter of minutes. She wasn’t sure if it had just been the agents, his Chief Deputy strolling in to the morning report late, or the inappropriate comments thrown out about Dr. Martin. Maybe it had been a combination of all of those things but one thing for sure, Ellie didn’t need him stepping in and playing hero. Helping her at her house was one thing, but making her look like a weakling in her job pissed her off. He had no right to act that way and the men, as obnoxious as they were, meant no harm and she knew how to put someone in their place if she needed to. One thing she had learned after her attack was how to be more vigilant when it came to picking up on cues coming from men. She would never let herself be that vulnerable ever again. She moved over towards Agent Hardy and Agent Brody and took a seat.

  “Gentlemen, what do you know so far about the case other than what Sheriff Masterson told us?” Ellie asked. They pulled out their notebooks and started scrolling through their notes.

  “According to our report, several girls have come up missing from this area and this isn’t the first time. It was happening quit frequently about 20 years ago and sort of tapered off but apparently sex and human trafficking has become a huge problem here, especially in the Northwoods.” Agent Hardy said. Brody, the slimy looking Italian winked at her.

  “That’s where you come in sweetheart. Any little instincts you have about the case, I hear you are like a ghost whisperer or something.” He said with a sarcastic chuckle. Cade had joined the group and was glaring but didn’t say anything. She raised an eyebrow at Sal and gave him her best put down.

  “First of all, I better never hear you call me sweetheart ever again. I will report you for sexual harassment and not think twice about it. Second of all, I’m not some super natural freak who can just conjure up images or speak to dead people. I profile criminals, that is my degree and if I occasionally get a vision, I use it to help the FBI. If you have a problem with that, take it up with my deputy director or yours. I’m sure either of them would be more than happy to reassign you.” Ellie said smiling. Agent Hardy snickered, Cade hid a smile behind his hands and Agent Brody looked like he had swallowed a frog as his throat moved up and down and his face turned red.

  “I apologize.” He said through gritted teeth. He didn’t mean it and she knew that but she didn’t care. She had meant it when she told Cade that she had dealt with her fair share of inappropriate behavior and if he ever found out about Terrance, he would probably have a meltdown.

  “Apology accepted. Now, what direction do we want to go in. Do we have any suspects?” Ellie asked looking at Cade. He stepped up and she saw a gleam of respect in his eyes that made her soften her heart towards him. She had been hurt by his comment about her visions in the conference room and she had decided that not getting involved with him had been for the best. But she could see by the look on his face that he understood now that she could handle herself in the workplace.

  “Yes, I would like to interview Reverend Ridley and possibly Annawon Beartree.” Cade stated. The agents both looked at him curiously as did Ellie. She knew he wanted to talk to her father but why Beartree?

  “What will they have to offer us?” Asked Agent Hardy. Cade looked at Ellie and then back to the men.

  “Reverend Ridley is the one who pushed to have Beartree convicted of his daughter’s disappearance. She disappeared at the same time as a lot of other girls from the area so I just want to see how he reacts. As far as Beartree goes, I wasn’t Sheriff when it happened and the files, I have been…well let’s just say that they didn’t do a very thorough investigation and a lot of things were missing including a body. How do you convict someone without one?” Cade stated looking at the group. The agents looked at each other, then at Ellie.

  “Are you ok with that? I mean that’s your father and sister?” Agent Hardy asked. Ellie grimaced.

  “I have no ties to my father and if there is a way to find my sister or prove Beartree’s innocence I don’t see what it would hurt to interview them.” Ellie said looking to Cade. Brody scratched his mustache and then stood up.

  “I think we should check into the trafficking angle, compile a list of all the girls that went missing in the area and then cross reference it with the ME once she starts identifying the bodies. Dr. Ridley, why don’t you go with the Sheriff to interviews. Maybe you can get a feel for what’s going on.” Brody stated a little too nicely. She felt herself start to shake. She couldn’t go see her father. She hadn’t seen him in 14 years and no matter how much time had passed, he still scared her. Cade started to speak but then she watched him stop. He was letting her make the decision and not interfering.

  “I…I don’t usually do the interviews. I just get the information and I profile, but…I…I guess I can go.” She said looking to Cade. If he was with her, maybe she could do this part. She had always wanted to be in on the interviews but she was always afraid of having a vision in front of the suspect and then not looking credible in court. But this was her father, not just some random suspect. She had spent many hours, leaning over a wooden bench, having her back side beaten for not having straight A’s, skipping church, not being like Allison. The list just went on and on and she sometimes could still feel the sting of the belt. She shivered thinking about that stupid shed out back of their house. She wondered if Alex or Allison had gotten beatings like her. She had been little when Alex left. He was there one day and gone the next and no one ever talked about him.

  “Ellie.” She heard Cade say. She looked up and both the agents and Cade were staring at her oddly.

  “What? Oh sorry, I was just…never mind. I’ll go with you Cade.” Ellie said and then realized she had called the Sheriff by his first name. Sal narrowed his eyes at her and then at Cade. Uh oh. “I mean Sheriff. We went to school together; we have known each other for a long time.” Ellie said quickly to the agents. Hardy seemed to be ok with it but Brody hadn’t missed it at all and she could tell he was going to use that later to bully her. She could feel it. Cade had felt it too because he stepped up behind her.

  “Let’s go Doc. I think we should head out to the church and get the day started. We can regroup back here later.”
Cade said sliding his jacket on. She stood and joined him.

  “I think that’s a good idea Sheriff. Let me know if you come up with any leads Agent Hardy.” Ellie stated. Brody glared at Cade as they turned to walk out of the Sheriff’s Office.

  “Ellie, you better watch your back. Brody is not happy with you putting him down.” Cade said softly as they headed towards his car.

  “You better watch your back Cade, because the daggers he was sending you, were sharper than the ones he was sending me.” Ellie stated as she got in the car and closed the door.

  Chapter 8

  My Journal entry

  January 2011

  I feel stares in town, I don’t feel comfortable anywhere anymore. The visions won’t stop and I don’t know what is real and what is just my old age. My mother suffered the same thing as she aged and I fear it is the same thing for me. I have been getting threatening letters and odd things left on my door step. They think I know more than I do. All I see are figures and hear voices. They sound familiar but I don’t know who they are. I am not afraid but I fear that more girls will come up missing. I have told the Sheriff about my feelings but he thinks I’m a crack pot. His son Cade is coming home to work at the sheriff’s department. I know that soon things will be the way it should be and I won’t be here to see it. Until next time.



  Ellie sat silently in the passenger side of Cade’s police cruiser. He hadn’t said anything to her since they had driven away from the Sheriff’s Office and it was extremely unnerving. She hated silence. It made her nervous because she wasn’t used to it. She had constant voices in her head but she had learned how to control them and manage it. With Cade, there was nothing. No voices, no chaos, just love. She didn’t love Cade, she couldn’t. She didn’t even know him but she felt love radiating from him and it made her feel calm. It was the best feeling she had ever had and she always wanted to feel the way she did when she was around him. He cleared his throat finally.